Indie Game School is a collective of talented industry veterans and teachers who believe that game school does not need to cost thousands of dollars. We want to help you make the game you were born to create and then some!

Founded by Guido Gautsch in 2014, it all started when Guido and Christopher Orth, a game designer, musician and teacher set out to run FPS101 - a rapid prototyping course that has since been taken by ovqer 2,000 students.

Guido Christopher

In 2017, we're extending our offering of courses with game art (with Todd Bagaason) and more!


“I started with no experience with playmaker and almost none with unity in general (I knew where is what, how to navigate and the GUI, but never did anything meaningful with it).

After the course I can say, I feel able to put the elements we were taught (triggers, pick ups etc) to good use, and expand on it: I now understand how everything is connected and how I would go about to solve new problems. The course made me familiar with playmaker and gave good insights on level design and game design in general. Christopher’s videos were always spot on and I was able to follow them easily.

This course is well worth the money, you get a lot of feedback from others and learn through their experiences as well. And by answering each others questions, the students reinforce their knowledge. I am very happy I attended FPS101.

Getting into game development all on your own seems like a huge mountain in front of you. With Guido, Christopher and the other students, you climb it step by step, give support to each other and have two solid guides.”


FPS101 Student